윤석열 대통령, 추석 명절 강원 화천 최전방 15사단 방문해 장병들 격려


윤석열 대통령이 추석 명절인 17일 최전방 부대를 방문해 장병들을 격려했다고 대통령실이 전했다.

윤 대통령은 이날 강원 화천군 육군 제15사단을 찾아 장병들을 격려하고 군 의료체계도 점검했다고 정혜전 대통령실 대변인이 오후 서면브리핑에서 전했다. 대통령실은 이날 명절에도 대비태세 유지에 여념없는 장병들을 위해 송편 1000세트를 준비해갔다.

윤 대통령은 먼저 15사단 의무대대 '승리의원'을 찾아 "군 병원이 발전해야 진정한 선진국 군대"라며 "15사단 의무대대가 군 의료 모범이 될 수 있도록 여러분들이 열심히 해달라"고 주문하며 근무자들을 격려했다.

'승리의원'은 15사단 장병뿐 아닌 인근 의료취약지역 주민에게도 의료 서비스를 제공 중인 가운데 앞서 윤 대통령이 직접 드라이브를 건 의무대대 의료기관 등록 성과로 지난해 12월 사단 군인 가족·지역 주민들로부터 병원이 없어 큰 도시까지 나가야 한다는 고충을 듣고 추진한 것이다.

강현우 15사단장은 윤 대통령에게 "의사·한의사 등 총 69명이 근무 중이며 지난 5월까지만 해도 소아과·안과·응급센터가 없어 군인 가족·지역 주민들이 1시간가량 떨어진 춘천까지 갔어야 했는데 의료기관으로 등록된 후 526명 환자가 진료받았다"고 '승리의원' 현황을 보고했다.

이 자리에서 김용현 국방장관은 "윤 대통령 지시로 군인 가족뿐 아닌 지역주민들까지 의료 혜택을 받고 있다"고 전했다.

윤 대통령은 "작년 말 사단 방문 당시 군 가족·지역 주민들 고충을 듣고 안타까웠다"며 "정부가 전방사단 의무대대 의료기관 등록을 적극 추진했던 결과 승리의원도 지역에 꼭 필요한 필수장비를 보강해 지역 의료기관으로 재탄생했다. 군 병원이 발전해야 진정한 선진국 군대"라고 강조했다.

또 15사단 사령부를 찾아 "국민 안전·자유민주주의를 굳건하게 지키겠다는 신념으로 전투준비·교육훈련에 지금처럼 계속 매진해달라"며 "적이 도발해 온다면 선조치 후보고 원칙에 따라 즉각 압도적으로 대응해 적 의지를 완전히 분쇄하라"고 지휘부에 주문했다.

그러면서 "걱정 없이 임무에 전념할 수 있도록 근무 여건을 개선하고 여러분이 입고 있는 군복이 자랑스럽게 느껴지도록 국군통수권자로서 최선을 다해 지원하겠다"고 밝혔다.

이어 초급간부 간담회에 참석해 '고충은 없는지' '교육은 어떻게 받는지' '피자·햄버거 등 젊은 세대들이 좋아하는 음식들도 잘 제공되는지' 등을 물은 후 "잘 먹어야 훈련도 잘하고 전투력도 생기는 법"이라며 격오지 부대에 통조림·전투식량 등을 충분히 공급하라고 지시했다.

더불어 15사단 사열대에서 장병 500여 명과 기념 사진을 촬영한 가운데 이 자리엔 15사단 군악병으로 근무 중인 BTS 멤버 김남준(활동명 RM) 상병도 참석했다.

*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.

President Yoon Seok-yeol visits the 15th Division in Hwacheon, Gangwon Province, on the Chuseok holiday to encourage soldiers

Prepared 1,000 sets of songpyeon, visited 'Victory Hospital' and said, "A truly advanced military must develop military hospitals" and "In case of enemy provocation, immediately respond overwhelmingly with the principle of taking preemptive action and then reporting, and completely crush the enemy's will" and ordered the command

-kihong Kim reporter

The Blue House reported that President Yoon Seok-yeol visited the frontline units on the 17th, the Chuseok holiday, to encourage the soldiers.

On that day, President Yoon visited the 15th Division of the Army in Hwacheon-gun, Gangwon-do, to encourage the soldiers and inspect the military medical system, Blue House Spokesperson Jeong Hye-jeon reported in a written briefing in the afternoon. The Blue House prepared 1,000 sets of songpyeon for the soldiers who are working hard to maintain readiness even during the holiday.

President Yoon first visited the 15th Division Medical Battalion's 'Seungri Hospital' and encouraged the workers, saying, "A truly advanced military is one where military hospitals develop," and "Please work hard so that the 15th Division Medical Battalion can become a model for military medical care."

'Victory Hospital' is providing medical services not only to the soldiers of the 15th Division but also to residents of nearby medically underserved areas. It was launched in December of last year after hearing complaints from the families of soldiers in the division and local residents about having to go to a large city because there were no hospitals, following the achievement of registering a medical institution for the medical battalion that President Yoon personally drove.

15th Division Commander Kang Hyun-woo reported the status of 'Seungri Hospital' to President Yoon, saying, "A total of 69 doctors and oriental doctors are working, and until May of last year, there were no pediatric clinics, ophthalmology clinics, or emergency centers, so soldiers' families and local residents had to go to Chuncheon, which is about an hour away. However, after it was registered as a medical institution, 526 patients received treatment."

At this event, Minister of National Defense Kim Yong-hyun said, "As a result of President Yoon's instructions, not only soldiers' families but also local residents are receiving medical benefits."

President Yoon said, "I felt sorry to hear about the grievances of military families and local residents during my visit to the division late last year," and emphasized, "As a result of the government's active promotion of the registration of medical institutions for the medical battalions of the forward divisions, Seungri Hospital was reborn as a local medical institution by reinforcing essential equipment that is absolutely necessary for the region. A truly advanced military is one where military hospitals develop."

He also visited the 15th Division headquarters and ordered the command to "continue to devote themselves to combat preparation and education and training as they are now with the belief that they will firmly protect the safety of the people and liberal democracy," and "If the enemy provokes, respond immediately and overwhelmingly according to the principle of reporting after taking action and completely crushing the enemy's will."

He also said, "As the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, I will do my best to support you by improving your working conditions so that you can focus on your mission without worry and so that you can feel proud of the military uniforms you are wearing."

Afterwards, he attended a meeting with junior officers and asked them, “Are there any hardships?”, “How are they receiving education?”, and “Are they providing the foods that the younger generation likes, such as pizza and hamburgers?” and then said, “If you eat well, you will train well and have fighting power,” and instructed them to provide enough canned food and combat rations to the remote areas.

In addition, he took a commemorative photo with about 500 soldiers at the 15th Division review unit, and Private First Class Kim Nam-joon (real name RM), a member of BTS who is currently serving as a member of the 15th Division military band, was also present.


Kollo 를 통해 내 지역 속보, 범죄 뉴스, 비즈니스 뉴스, 스포츠 업데이트 및 한국 헤드라인을 휴대폰으로 직접 확인할 수 있습니다.