대통령실, 10일 의료개혁 토론회 개최..'2000명 증원' 당위성 다툰다


대통령실이 오는 10일 '의대 2000명 증원' 당위성 피력을 위한 의료개혁 토론회를 연다고 9일 전했다.

대통령실은 10일 서울 종로구 서울대 의대 융합관에서 '의료개혁, 어디로 가는가' 주제로 토론회를 개최한다.

토론회 주제는 지속 가능한 의료체계 구축 방안 및 2000명 증원 왜 필요한가·의대교육 정상화 방안·환자 중심 의료체계 구축 방안·의료 정책 결정 과정 절차적 정당성 등 네 가지다.

토론엔 장상윤 대통령실 사회수석·정경실 보건복지부 의료개혁추진단장·강희경·하은진 서울 의대 교수가 참석하고 진행은 유미화 녹색소비자연대 대표가 맡는 가운데 보건복지부 유튜브 채널에서 생중계된다.

*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.

The Office of the President to Hold a Discussion on Medical Reform on the 10th... The Justification for 'Increasing Staff by 2,000 Personnel' Debated

Jang Sang-yoon, Senior Secretary to the President for Social Affairs, Director of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Medical Reform Promotion Team, Kang Hee-kyung, and Professor Ha Eun-jin of Seoul National University College of Medicine attended the event. Live broadcast on the Ministry of Health and Welfare YouTube channel

-kihong Kim reporter

The Office of the President announced on the 9th that it will hold a medical reform debate on the 10th to explain the necessity of 'increasing the number of medical school students by 2,000'.

The Office of the President will hold a debate on the 10th at the Seoul National University College of Medicine Convergence Building in Jongno-gu, Seoul with the theme of 'Where is medical reform headed?'

The debate topics are four: ways to build a sustainable medical system and why 2,000 more students are needed; ways to normalize medical school education; ways to build a patient-centered medical system; and procedural legitimacy in the medical policy decision-making process.

The debate will be attended by Jang Sang-yoon, Senior Secretary to the President for Social Affairs; Director of the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Medical Reform Promotion Team; Kang Hee-kyung; and Professor Ha Eun-jin of Seoul National University. The debate will be moderated by Yoo Mi-hwa, head of the Green Consumers' Solidarity; and will be live-streamed on the Ministry of Health and Welfare's YouTube channel.


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