‘동상이몽2’ 백성현, ‘조보아 닮은꼴’ 아내 공개 “첫눈에 반해 쫓아다녀”


브레이크뉴스 박동제 기자= SBS는 7일 “오늘 밤 10시 10분 방송되는 ‘동상이몽 시즌2–너는 내 운명’(이하 ‘동상이몽2’)에서는 새로운 운명부부로 합류한 ‘일일드라마 황태자’이자 ‘결혼 5년차’ 배우 백성현과 가족들의 일상이 공개된다”고 밝혔다.

5살에 아역으로 데뷔해 어느새 ‘31년차’를 맞은 백성현은 이날 ‘스튜어디스 출신’ 미모의 아내를 소개하며 “아내는 내 이상형, 첫눈에 반해 쫓아다녔다”고 고백해 이목을 끌었다.

이에 MC들은 “미모가 그럴 만하다, 배우 조보아 씨 닮았다”고 환호해 아내의 정체에 궁금증을 더했는데, 뿐만 아니라 백성현은 두 아이들과 함께 사는 ‘4층 타운하우스’를 공개하며 “아내가 4층 집 전체를 셀프 리모델링했다”고 밝혀 아내 자랑을 멈추지 않았다.

‘집 전문가’ MC 김숙은 “저건 외부에 맡기면 수천만 원 들었을 기술”이라며 놀라움을 감추지 못했다는데, 백성현이 쫓아다닌 역대급 ‘미모+금손’ 아내의 정체는 방송을 통해 확인할 수 있다.

서로 칭찬만 주고받던 백성현 부부에게도 반전이 있었다. 백성현의 아내는 “남편은 어릴 때부터 케어받는 배우 생활을 해 집에서도 ‘주인공 병’이 있다, 내가 다 맞춰준다”며 쌓였던 불만을 토로해 현장을 후끈 달아오르게 했다.

백성현은 극구 부인하며 오히려 “내가 아내의 노예다”라고 주장, 아내와 진실 공방을 펼쳐 스튜디오를 혼란에 빠트렸다. 특히 백성현의 아내는 “남편은 작품 중일 때 예민해 말투부터 바뀐다”고 ‘주인공’ 남편에 대한 폭로를 이어가 지켜보던 MC들은 “아까와 다른 부부 같다, 아내가 벼르고 나왔다”며 폭소했다는 후문이다.

이어, 최근 ‘시청률 15%’를 기록하며 성황리에 종영한 일일극 ‘수지맞은 우리’의 남주인공 백성현의 촬영 현장이 공개된다. 백성현은 ‘수우리’에서 부부로 출연 중인 여주인공 함은정과 “두 번 결혼한 사이”라고 각별한 인연을 공개하며 둘만의 ‘환상 호흡’ 연기로 촬영 현장 분위기를 끌어 올렸다.

이에 백성현은 화려한 라인업의 배우들과 연기만큼 ‘회식’도 열정적으로 도모하며 급기야 '당일 급 회식'까지 추진하는 '회식 러버'의 면모를 보여 웃음을 자아냈다. 남편의 ‘급 회식 통보’에 실망감을 감추지 못한 아내는 급기야 실물이 아닌 화면 속 남편에 집착해 지켜보던 MC들을 조마조마하게 만들었다.

백성현은 ‘주인공의 삶’ 이면의 ‘작품 공백기’에 대한 남모를 속내를 최초 고백한다. “군 전역 후 코로나가 터져 몇 년간 작품이 없었다”는 백성현은 공백기에 결혼과 함께 아이도 생겨 막막했던 당시 “‘일당 15만 원’을 벌기 위해 현장 일을 나갔다”고 밝혀 눈길을 끌었다.

또한 백성현은 “아내와 아이를 위해 나가서 무슨 일이든 해야 했다, 지하에서 일할 땐 사람들이 다 피했다”고 당시 심경을 전하며 손으로 ‘구더기’를 퍼담는 건 물론, ‘독’까지 오른 일화를 고백해 스튜디오를 감동케 했다.

모두를 놀라게 한 백성현의 ‘이중생활’과 ‘조보아 닮은꼴’ 아내와의 반전 일상은 7일 밤 10시 10분에 방송되는 ‘동상이몽2’에서 확인할 수 있다.

*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>

‘Same Bed, Different Dreams 2’ Baek Sung-hyun reveals wife who ‘looks like Jo Bo-ah’ “I fell in love at first sight and chased her around”

Actor in his 31st year of debut, reveals daily life with family

Break News Reporter Park Dong-je = SBS announced on the 7th, “On ‘Same Bed, Different Dreams Season 2 – You Are My Destiny’ (hereafter referred to as ‘Same Bed, Different Dreams 2’) that will air tonight at 10:10 PM, the daily life of actor Baek Sung-hyun, who has joined as a new destiny couple and is in his 5th year of marriage, and his family will be revealed.”

Baek Sung-hyun, who debuted as a child actor at the age of 5 and is now in his 31st year of marriage, drew attention by introducing his beautiful wife who was a ‘former flight attendant’ and confessing, “My wife is my ideal type, I fell in love at first sight and chased her around.”

The MCs cheered, “She’s so pretty, she looks like actress Jo Bo-ah,” adding to the curiosity about his wife’s identity. In addition, Baek Sung-hyun revealed the “4-story townhouse” where he lives with his two children, saying, “My wife remodeled the entire 4-story house herself,” and couldn’t stop bragging about his wife.

MC Kim Sook, a “house expert,” couldn’t hide her surprise, saying, “If you had outsourced that, it would have cost tens of millions of won,” and the identity of the wife with the “beauty + golden hands” that Baek Sung-hyun has been chasing can be confirmed through the broadcast.

There was a twist for Baek Sung-hyun and his wife, who had only been complimenting each other. Baek Sung-hyun’s wife said, “My husband has been an actor who has been cared for since he was young, so he has ‘main character syndrome’ even at home. I take care of everything,” and heated up the scene by expressing her accumulated complaints.

Baek Sung-hyun strongly denied it, and instead claimed, “I am my wife’s slave,” and threw the studio into chaos by engaging in a war of words with his wife. In particular, Baek Sung-hyun's wife continued to expose her 'main' husband by saying, "When my husband is working on a project, he is sensitive and changes his speech." The MCs who were watching burst into laughter, saying, "You seem like a different couple than before. My wife came out after holding back."

Next, the filming site of Baek Sung-hyun, the male lead of the daily drama 'Sujimatdeuri', which recently ended successfully with a '15% viewership rating', is revealed. Baek Sung-hyun revealed his special relationship with the female lead Ham Eun-jung, who is currently appearing as a couple in 'Suuri', saying, "We've been married twice," and the atmosphere of the filming site was raised with their 'fantastic chemistry' acting.

Baek Sung-hyun passionately planned 'company dinners' with the splendid lineup of actors, and even pushed for 'same-day company dinners', showing his side as a 'company dinner lover', making everyone laugh. The wife, who could not hide her disappointment at her husband's 'sudden dinner notice', eventually became obsessed with her husband on the screen instead of in real life, making the MCs who were watching nervous.

Baek Sung-hyun confesses for the first time the unknown inner feelings about the 'work gap' behind the 'main character's life'. Baek Sung-hyun, who said, "After I was discharged from the military, COVID-19 broke out and there were no works for several years," drew attention by revealing that during the gap, he got married and had a child, so he "went out to work on-site to earn '150,000 won per day'."

Baek Sung-hyun also said, "I had to go out and do whatever it took for my wife and child. When I worked underground, people avoided me," and he confessed an anecdote where he scooped up 'maggots' with his hands and even got 'poisoned', moving the studio.

Baek Seong-hyeon's 'double life' that surprised everyone and his surprising daily life with his wife who looks like Jo Bo-ah can be seen on 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 - You Are My Destiny', which airs on the 7th at 10:10 PM.


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