권기식 한중도시우호협회장, 중국 청두시 푸장현 한국방문단과 대담


한중도시우호협회는 7월1일 보도자료에서 “권기식 한중도시우호협회장은 1일 오전 경기도 의정부시청 회의실에서 열린 '의정부시(시장 김동근)-중국 푸장(蒲江)현 한국방문단(단장 펑둥-彭東 부현장) 교류 간담회'에 참석해 한중 지방정부 교류 등에 대해 대담했다”고 알렸다.

권기식 회장은 "푸장현이 있는 쓰촨(四川)성 청두(成都)시는 경제적으로 번성하는 대도시이고, 특히 한국인들이 좋아하는 판다의 고향"이라며 "푸장현이 의정부시를 포함한 한국 도시들과 활발히 교류하기 바란다"고 말했다.

단장 펑둥(彭東) 부현장은 "푸장현은 청두시에서 가장 발전한 현급 도시"라며 "의정부시를 비롯한 한국 도시들과의 교류와 협력을 희망한다"고 말했다.

푸장현 방한단은 펑 부현장과 저우옌우(周燕武)학산가도판사처 당공위 서기, 카오쥔훙(曺軍宏)대흥진 정부 당위 서기, 허이(何益) 수안가도 판사처 당공위 부서기 등 4명으로 구성됐다. 푸장현은 쓰촨성 청두시에 소속된 인구 26만명 규모의 현으로 독일과의 합작공단이 있어 경제적으로 발전한 것으로 알려져있다. 권 회장은 의정부시 정책고문을 맡고 있다.

*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>

Kwon Ki-sik, President of the Korea-China Cities Friendship Association, talks with the Korean visiting delegation from Pujiang County, Chengdu, China

-Reporter Park Jeong-dae

In a press release on July 1, the Korea-China Cities Friendship Association said, “Korea-China Cities Friendship Association President Kwon Ki-sik held a meeting held in the conference room of Uijeongbu City Hall in Gyeonggi-do on the morning of the 1st at the ‘Uijeongbu City (Mayor Kim Dong-geun)-China Pujiang County Korean Visiting Delegation (Director Peng Dong-bu). He announced, “I attended the ‘on-site exchange meeting’ and had a conversation about Korea-China local government exchanges.”

Chairman Kwon Ki-sik said, "Chengdu, Sichuan Province, where Pujiang County is located, is an economically prosperous metropolis, and is especially the hometown of pandas, which Koreans love." He added, "Pujiang County will actively exchange with Korean cities, including Uijeongbu City." “I hope,” he said.

Deputy Director Feng Dong (彭東) said, "Pujiang County is the most developed county-level city in Chengdu," and added, "We hope for exchange and cooperation with Korean cities, including Uijeongbu City."

The Pujiang County visiting delegation consists of four people, including Vice-Director Feng, Zhou Yanwu, Secretary of the Party Communist Committee of the Xuanjia Island Judge's Office, Cao Junhong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Daexing Town Government, and He Yi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Communist Committee of the Xuanjia Island Judge's Office. . Pujiang County is a county with a population of 260,000 belonging to Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, and is known to have developed economically due to the presence of a joint industrial complex with Germany. Chairman Kwon serves as a policy advisor to Uijeongbu City.

-Kim Eun-mi, head of the international exchange team of Uijeongbu City, Fengdong, deputy mayor of Pujang County, and Kwon Ki-sik, president of the Korea-China Cities Friendship Association (third from the left), took a commemorative photo at Uijeongbu City Hall with the Chinese Pujang County visiting delegation.


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