신천지, 서울 노원 말씀대성회 1만 6천여 명 참석 “신앙열기 대단!"


신천지예수교 증거장막성전(이만희 총회장·이하 신천지예수교회)은 10월2일 보도자료에서 “신천지예수교 증거장막성전(이만희 총회장·이하 신천지예수교회)가 개최한 이날 말씀대성회는 지난달 25일과 29일, 각각 마산과 부산에서 말씀대성회에 수만 명이 몰리면서 폭발적인 관심을 얻자 추가 편성됐다.”고 알렸다.

이 자료에서 “영남권 목회자들의 열기는 서울로 이어지며 더 커졌다. 이날 당초 목회자 150여 명이 참석할 것으로 알려져 신천지예수교회는 그에 맞게 좌석을 준비했지만, 예상보다 많은 목회자가 참석하면서 서서 듣는 모습도 펼쳐졌다. 이날 참석한 목회자만 약 200명에 달한다”면서 “목회자를 포함한 이날 총 참석자는 1만 6000여 명이다. 서울 노원 말씀대성회 현장 외부에는 행사 참석자를 환영하기 위해 1만여 명의 신천지예수교회 성도들이 모였다. 각종 환영 문구가 적힌 피켓과 풍선을 든 인파가 몰리는 진풍경에 사진을 찍거나 문의하는 시민도 많았다는 후문”이라고 전했다.

자료에 따르면, 강연자로 나선 이만희 총회장은 요한계시록 전장을 자유자재로 넘나들며 성경 예언과 그 성취 및 실체의 중요성에 대해 일목요연한 강의를 펼쳤다. 참석자들은 집중해서 필기하거나, 경청하면서 박수를 보내는 등 시종일관 열띤 분위기를 보였다. 이만희 총회장은 이날 강연에서 “예수님은 구약을 이루시고 신약을 약속하신 뒤, 다시 오겠다고 하셨다. 예언하고 가셨으니 다시 오시면 약속한 것들을 반드시 이루신다”며 “이룰 때는 예언한 그대로, 도장 찍듯 이뤄진다. 그러니 가감하지 말라는 말씀이 있는 것”이라고 설명했다. 또한 “따라서 신앙을 잘하려고 노력한다면 무엇보다 이뤄진 실체를 예언과 비교하며 깨닫는 것이 중요하다”면서 “그러니 말씀을 잘 깨닫고 그 말씀대로 신앙하고 있는지, 누구를 막론하고 성경 앞에서 자기를 비춰봐야 한다”고 강조했다.

이만희 총회장은 “요한계시록 한 권만큼은 예언부터 실체까지 확실히 알자”며 “하나님이 인정하시는 신앙인이 되자”고 재차 독려했다. 이만희 총회장은 목회자들을 향해 “권세나 존경을 위해 신앙하는 것이 아니지 않느냐”며 “하나님께 순종하고 천국에서 영원히 사는 것을 소망하는 만큼, 낮아지고 낮아져서 다시 태어나는 차원에서 함께 신앙하자”고 당부했다.

*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>

Shincheonji, Seoul Nowon Word Conference, 16,000 People Attend, “Faithful Fever is Amazing!”

4km Welcome Procession - 10,000 People Gather… Nowon-gu Residents of Seoul Take Interest

- Reporter Park Jeong-dae

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Chairman Man-hee Lee, hereinafter referred to as Shincheonji Church of Jesus) announced in a press release on October 2, “The Word Conference held by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Chairman Man-hee Lee, hereinafter referred to as Shincheonji Church of Jesus) on this day was additionally organized as it garnered explosive interest as tens of thousands of people flocked to the Word Conferences in Masan and Busan on the 25th and 29th of last month, respectively.”

In this release, “The enthusiasm of pastors in the Yeongnam region spread to Seoul and grew even bigger. Originally, it was reported that about 150 pastors would attend that day, so Shincheonji Church of Jesus prepared seats accordingly, but more pastors attended than expected, and some even stood and listened. The number of pastors who attended that day “There are about 200 pastors,” he said. “Including pastors, the total number of attendees that day was 16,000. About 10,000 Shincheonji Church of Jesus members gathered outside the Nowon Word Conference site in Seoul to welcome the event attendees. Many citizens took pictures or asked questions as people gathered holding pickets and balloons with various welcoming messages written on them.” According to the data, General Superintendent Lee Man-hee, who appeared as the lecturer, freely moved between the entire Book of Revelation and gave a clear lecture on the importance of Bible prophecy, its fulfillment, and reality. The attendees were attentive, taking notes, listening, and applauding, maintaining an enthusiastic atmosphere throughout. General Superintendent Lee Man-hee said in his lecture that day, “Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and promised the New Testament, and then said that he would come again. He prophesied and left, so when he comes again, he will definitely fulfill the promises he made.” He added, “When it comes, it will come true as it was prophesied, like a seal. So there is a saying that we should not add or subtract anything. He explained, “Therefore, if you try to have faith well, it is important to realize the reality that has been fulfilled by comparing it with the prophecy.” He emphasized, “Therefore, regardless of who you are, you must reflect on yourself in front of the Bible to see if you understand the Word well and believe according to the Word.”

Chairman Man-hee Lee encouraged, “Let’s know the Book of Revelation from prophecy to reality for sure,” and “Let’s become believers acknowledged by God.” Chairman Man-hee Lee told the pastors, “Aren’t we believing for power or respect?” and “Let’s believe together in the dimension of humbling ourselves and being reborn as we desire to obey God and live forever in heaven.”

- Chairman Lee giving a lecture at the ‘2024 Shincheonji Revelation Fulfillment Reality Evidence Word Conference’ held at the Shincheonji Seoul Church on October 2. [Photo courtesy of Shincheonji Church of Jesus]

- On October 2, a large crowd gathered at the Shincheonji Seoul Church for the ‘2024 Shincheonji Revelation Fulfillment Reality Evidence Word Conference’. [Photo courtesy of Shincheonji Church of Jesus]

- A citizen taking pictures of the crowd gathered at the Shincheonji Seoul Church for the ‘2024 Shincheonji Revelation Fulfillment Reality Evidence Word Conference’. [Photo courtesy of Shincheonji Church of Jesus]

- Pastors praying at the Shincheonji Seoul Church for the ‘2024 Shincheonji Revelation Fulfillment Reality Evidence Word Conference’. [Photo courtesy of Shincheonji Church of Jesus]


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