독립운동가 조시원 선생 추모비 건립...“형제들 6명이 건국훈장 받은 독립운동 가문”


필자에게 서울누드화미술관 설립의 영감(靈感)을 준 조범제 화가는 조소앙(趙素昻. 1887.4.10 ~ 1958.9.10) 선생의 친 조카이다. 조범제 화가의 부친은 조시원 선생(2대 국회의원)이다. 이 분은 3대 광복회장으로 재직 했다.

그런데 지난 9월30일, 독립운동가 조시원 선생의 추모비가 독립기념관(목천) 내에 설치됐다. 아들인 조범제 화가의 원력(願力)으로 설치된 것.

위키백과는 조시원(趙時元, 1904년 10월 23일~1982년 7월 18일)에 대해 “대한민국의 독립운동가”라면서 “아직 개명하기 이전 이름은 조용원(趙鏞元)이며, 아호는 호일(胡逸)이고 본관은 함안(咸安)이다. 경기도 양주 출생으로 조소앙의 친동생이다. 중화민국으로 망명한 둘째형 조소앙과 다른 형들을 따라 1920년 상하이로 건너가, 광복 시점까지 대한민국 임시정부, 광복군에서 활동했다. 그의 형제들은 6남 1녀중 조소앙과 그 자신을 포함한 여섯 명이 건국훈장을 받은 독립운동 가문이었다”고 소개했다.

이어 “상하이 남방대학 역사-사회학과에서 수학한 뒤 1928년 청년 조직에서 활동을 시작하여 베이징, 만주 등을 오가며 독립운동을 벌였다. 중국본부 한인청년동맹 상해지부의 김무정, 동만청년동맹의 양세봉 등이 이때 조시원과 함께 활동했던 인물들이다. 1930년에는 상하이에서 통일 전선인 한국광복진선(韓國光復陣線)을 결성했다. 1935년 조소앙과 홍진의 월간지 《진광(震光)》 발행에도 참가했다. 1938년 임시정부 선무단장, 1939년 임시의정원 의원, 1940년 한국독립당 중앙집행위원을 지냈고, 광복군 창군에 참가한 뒤 간부로 활동했다”고 전했다.

또한 “대한민국 정부수립이후 1949년 조소앙, 방응모와 함께 사회민주주의 정당인 사회당을 결성하였다. 이듬해 1950년 제2대 국회의원 총선거에 출마하여 경기도 양주갑에 당선되어 국회의원으로 활동하였다. 1963년 건국훈장 독립장이 수여되었다. 그의 부인인 이순승도 상하이에서 독립운동을 한 공로로 건국훈장 애족장을 수여 받았으며, 광복군 출신의 딸 조순옥과 사위 안춘생(前 대한민국 독립기념관 관장) 역시 독립유공자”라고 덧붙였다.

조범제 화가의 큰 아버지 조소앙 선생은 “독립 운동가 겸 정치가”. 그는 김구 등과 시사책진회를 결성했다. 한국 독립당 창당의 주역이었다. 제2대 국회의원에 출마, 전국 최고득점으로 당선됐다. 그러나 6·25전쟁 때 납북돼, 북한에서 사망했다. 저서로는 《한국문원》,《소앙집》 등이 있다. 조소앙 선생은 3균(均)주의자였다. '교육-정치-경제'가 고루 발전해야 한다는 게 3균(均)주의이다. 조소앙 선생은 동경 유학시절에 '6성교(6聖敎-6명의 성현을 믿는 종교)'를 만든 교주였다. 6.25 때 납북돼, 평양에서 평화통일촉진위원회를 만들어 위원장으로 활동했으나, 1958년 대동강에서 시신으로 발견됐다.

독립기념관 내에 설치된 조시원 선생의 추모비 비문을 해석하면 “자기의 지혜 권세 부귀를 다하여 천하의 어리석음 가난 약함을 구제한다면, 이 또한 대장부라 할 수 있다”는 내용이다. moonilsuk@naver.com

*필자/문일석. 시인. 신문사 발행인

*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>

Erection of a memorial monument for independence activist Jo Si-won... “A family of independence activists with six brothers who received the Order of Merit for National Foundation”

[Essay-like Approach] The father of painter Jo Beom-je, who inspired the author to establish the Seoul Nude Art Museum

- Moon Il-suk, publisher of the newspaper

Painter Cho Beom-je, who inspired me to establish the Seoul Nude Art Museum, is the nephew of Cho So-ang (1887.4. 10 ~ 1958.9. 10). Painter Cho Beom-je's father is Cho Si-won (2nd National Assembly member). He served as the 3rd President of the Gwangbokhoe.

On September 30th, a memorial monument for independence activist Cho Si-won was installed inside the Independence Hall (Mokcheon). It was installed thanks to the will of his son, painter Cho Beom-je.

▲ Memorial monument for Cho Si-won inside the Independence Hall. © Break News

▲ Memorial monument for Cho Si-won inside the Independence Hall. The person next to the memorial monument is painter Cho Beom-je. ©Break News

Wikipedia introduces Jo Si-won (趙時元, October 23, 1904 - July 18, 1982) as a “Korean independence activist” and “His name before he changed his name was Jo Yong-won (趙鏞元), his pen name was Ho-il (胡逸), and his family origin was Haman (咸安). He was born in Yangju, Gyeonggi Province, and he is Jo So-ang’s younger brother. He followed his second older brother Jo So-ang and other older brothers who fled to the Republic of China, and moved to Shanghai in 1920, where he worked in the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Liberation Army until the liberation. His brothers were a family of independence activists, with six of them, including Jo So-ang and himself, receiving the Order of Merit for National Foundation.”

He continued, “After studying at the Department of History and Sociology at Shanghai Southern University, he began working in youth organizations in 1928 and traveled to Beijing, Manchuria, and other places to fight for independence. Kim Mu-jeong of the Shanghai branch of the Korean Youth League in China and Yang Se-bong of the East Manchurian Youth League were among those who worked with Jo Si-won at that time. In 1930, he formed the Korean Liberation Front, the Korean Restoration Front, in Shanghai. In 1935, he also participated in the publication of Jo So-ang and Hong Jin’s monthly magazine, Jin-gwang (震光). He served as the head of the missionary division of the provisional government in 1938, a member of the provisional legislature in 1939, and a member of the central executive committee of the Korean Independence Party in 1940. He participated in the founding of the Korean Liberation Army and then worked as an executive.” He also said, “After the establishment of the government of the Republic of Korea, he formed the Social Democratic Party, a social democratic party, with Jo So-ang and Bang Eung-mo in 1949. The following year, in 1950, he ran for the 2nd National Assembly general election and was elected in Yangju Gap, Gyeonggi Province, where he served as a member of the National Assembly. He was awarded the Order of Independence, National Foundation Medal in 1963. His wife, Lee Soon-seung, also received the Order of Independence, National Foundation Medal for her contributions to the independence movement in Shanghai, and his daughter, Jo Soon-ok, who was a member of the Korean Liberation Army, and his son-in-law, Ahn Chun-saeng (former director of the Independence Hall of Korea), were also “independence activists,” he added.

Painter Jo Beom-je’s uncle, Jo So-ang, was an “independence activist and politician.” He formed the Current Affairs Policy Association with Kim Gu and others. He was a key figure in the founding of the Korean Independence Party. He ran for the 2nd National Assembly and was elected with the highest score in the country. However, he was kidnapped to the North during the Korean War and died in North Korea. His works include “Korean Literature” and “Soangjip.” Jo So-ang was a proponent of the Three Equalities. The idea that 'education, politics, and economy' should develop equally is the doctrine of the three equals. During his time studying abroad in Tokyo, Mr. Cho So-ang was the leader of the '6-Seonggyo (a religion that believes in the six sages)'. He was kidnapped during the Korean War and served as the chairman of the Peaceful Unification Promotion Committee in Pyongyang, but his body was found in the Taedong River in 1958.

The inscription on the memorial monument to Mr. Cho Si-won installed in the Independence Hall reads, "If you use all your wisdom, power, and wealth to help the world's foolishness, poverty, and weakness, you can also be called a great man." moonilsuk@naver.com

▲Mr. Cho Si-won's son, painter Cho Beom-je (right), and the author (left). ©Break News

*Author/Moon Il-suk. Poet. Publisher of a newspaper


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