OK금융그룹 불법의혹...금융위원회는 일본계 대부자본 OK금융그룹 뒷배인가!!”


국회 정무위원회 소속 조국혁신당 신장식 의원과 민주당 박홍배 의원 그리고 사무금융노조는 OK금융그룹의 불법 자행 의혹과 감독기관의 업무해태와 관련하여 3일 국회 소통관에서 긴급 기자회견을 열어 “금융위원회는 일본계 대부자본 OK금융그룹의 뒷배인가? 지금 대한민국 금융감독기구가 사실상 1인 지배기업에 휘둘리는 어처구니없는 상황이 벌어지고 있다.”며, 금융위원회를 정점으로 공정위와 금융감독원이 1인 지배기업 OK금융그룹을 비호하는 행태를 싸잡아 강력 규탄했다.

신장식 의원은 “이미 OK금융그룹에 대해서는 수년 전부터 문제들이 드러났다”며, “금융당국은 애초에 저축은행을 인수할 수 없는 대부업자에게 저축은행을 함께 운영할 수 있는 자격을 주었다”고 꼬집었다.

신 의원은 “2016년 이 사건이 폭로되었지만 당시 금융위는 저축은행 인가취소를 하지않고, 인가조건 충족 명령을 했다”며, “인가조건을 위반하고 금융당국을 속인 기업에 대해서 면죄부를 준 것이다”고 직격 비판했다.

그 이후 “OK금융그룹은 저축은행 인가조건 이행이라는 이유를 들어 계열사 대부 자산을 정리했다. 그런데 그 과정에서 계열사에 일감을 몰아주고, 자신의 친 동생 최 호의 계열사에 부당지원하여 총수일가 사익편취를 했다는 의혹이 제기되었다.”고 설명했다.

대부업 완전철수? 감독원 방관 속 대부업체 ‘영업중’...치외법권인가? 성역인가?

신장식 의원은 “(문제는)이 혐의 사실을 인지한 공정위는 ’23년 6월 조사를 시작했지만, 1년이 넘는 지금까지 결과를 내놓고 있지 않다”며, “여전히 OK금융그룹 계열사로 대부업체 3곳이 버젓이 공시되고 있다. 이러한 문제제기가 시작되자, 그제서야 금융감독원은 OK금융그룹을 저축은행 인수 조건 위반에 대한 검사를 들어갔다”고 날선 비판을 했다,

OK금융그룹-금융위, 공정위, 금감원이 눈을 가리고도 손발이 척척 맞고 있어

신 의원은 “3개의 기관이 직무유기와 다름없는 늑장대응을 하는 동안 OK금융그룹은 몸집을 불렸고, OK금융그룹의 핵심계열사인 OK저축은행이 최근 시중은행으로 승격한 대구은행의 모기업인 DGB금융지주의 최대주주로 올라섰다”며, “참으로 아이러니 한 것은 대구은행의 시중은행 전환 심사과정에서 대주주의 대주주는 적격성 심사가 아니라는 이유로 금융기관의 대주주적격성 심사를 또 다시 피해갔다”고 분통을 터뜨렸다.

대주주의 대주주는 사회적 평가 심사 ‘필요 없어?’

그는 “공정위는 왜 1년간 조사 결과를 발표하지 않았고, 금융위는 왜 제대로된 심사를 하지 않았고, 금감원은 왜 적기검사를 하지 않았는가? 윤석열 정부가 시중은행의 과점을 깨겠다고 대구은행을 시중은행으로 승격하도록 하는 과정에서, OK금융그룹과 OK저축은행, 최윤과 최호 총수일가에게 특혜를 주려한 것이 아닌지 의심을 할 수 밖에 없다”고 강도 높게 비판했다.

전국사무금융서비스노동조합과 민주당 박홍배의원, 조국혁신당 신장식의원은 “오케이금융그룹을 둘러싼 감독당국의 납득하기 어려운 법해석과 늑장조사, 직무유기나 다름없는 늑장검사에 대하여 금융위원장과 공정거래위원장, 그리고 금융감독원장은 이에 대하여 해명해야 한다.”며, “이 모든 의혹의 배후에 윤석열 정권의 엉터리 은행산업 재편 시도가 있는 것은 아닌지 분명하게 밝힐 것”을 요구했다.

이들은 “3년째 단체협약체결을 회피하며 노동인권을 침해하는 일본계 대부업 자본의 납득하기 힘든 성장, 대부업에서, 저축은행으로, 저축은행에서 시중은행으로 이어진 무차별 업역 확대를 둘러싼 의혹을 금융위와 금감원, 공정위가 나서 명명백백히 밝힐 것”을 강력 촉구했다. hpf21@naver.com

* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.

*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.

OK Financial Group illegal suspicions... Is the Financial Services Commission a backer of the Japanese conglomerate OK Financial Group!!”

Work hoarding, CEO’s personal gains... ‘Under investigation’ for over a year

On the 3rd, Rep. Shin Jang-sik of the Cho Kuk Innovation Party, Rep. Park Hong-bae of the Democratic Party, and the Office Finance Union, who are members of the National Assembly’s Political Affairs Committee, held an emergency press conference at the National Assembly Communication Center regarding the suspicions of illegal activities by OK Financial Group and the dereliction of duty by the supervisory agency. They said, “Is the Financial Services Commission a backer of the Japanese conglomerate OK Financial Group? The absurd situation is unfolding where the financial supervisory agency of the Republic of Korea is effectively being manipulated by a one-man controlling company.” They strongly condemned the behavior of the Financial Services Commission, Fair Trade Commission, and Financial Supervisory Service, which are protecting the one-man controlling company OK Financial Group.

Rep. Shin Jang-sik said, “Problems with OK Financial Group have been revealed for years,” and criticized, “The financial authorities initially gave the right to operate a savings bank to a loan shark who could not acquire a savings bank.”

Rep. Shin directly criticized, “This incident was exposed in 2016, but at the time, the Financial Services Commission did not revoke the savings bank license, but ordered the satisfaction of the license conditions,” and “This is a pardon for a company that violated the license conditions and deceived the financial authorities.”

After that, “OK Financial Group liquidated its affiliated loan assets under the pretext of fulfilling the savings bank license conditions. However, in the process, suspicions were raised that it gave work to its affiliates and unfairly supported its own younger brother Choi Ho’s affiliates, thereby embezzling the profits of the owner’s family.”

Complete withdrawal from the loan business? Loan sharks ‘operating’ amid the supervisory board’s indifference… Extraterritoriality? Sanctuary?

Rep. Shin Jang-sik said, “The problem is that the Fair Trade Commission, which became aware of the allegations, began an investigation in June 2023, but has not released any results even after more than a year,” adding, “Three large companies are still being openly disclosed as affiliates of OK Financial Group. When these issues were raised, the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) criticized OK Financial Group for violating the conditions for acquiring the savings bank,” he said.

OK Financial Group-Financial Services Commission, Fair Trade Commission, and Financial Supervisory Service are working together while turning a blind eye.

Rep. Shin said, “While the three organizations were responding half-heartedly, which was no different from dereliction of duty, OK Financial Group grew in size, and OK Savings Bank, a key affiliate of OK Financial Group, recently became the largest shareholder of DGB Financial Group, the parent company of Daegu Bank, which was promoted to a commercial bank.” He also expressed his anger, saying, “It is truly ironic that during the process of reviewing Daegu Bank’s conversion to a commercial bank, the major shareholder of a major shareholder was once again exempted from the examination of the qualifications of a financial institution’s major shareholder on the grounds that the qualifications of the major shareholder were not subject to the examination.”

Major shareholders of major shareholders ‘don’t need social evaluation review?’

He strongly criticized, saying, “Why didn’t the Fair Trade Commission announce the results of its investigation for a year, why didn’t the Financial Services Commission conduct a proper review, and why didn’t the Financial Supervisory Service conduct a timely inspection? In the process of the Yoon Seok-yeol government promoting Daegu Bank to a commercial bank in order to break the oligopoly of commercial banks, one cannot help but suspect that it was trying to give special favors to OK Financial Group, OK Savings Bank, and the Choi Yoon and Choi Ho families.”

The National Financial Services and Finance Labor Union, Democratic Party Rep. Park Hong-bae, and the Fatherland Innovation Party Rep. Shin Jang-sik demanded, “The Financial Services Commission, Fair Trade Commission, and Financial Supervisory Service Governor must explain the incomprehensible legal interpretation, delayed investigation, and dereliction of duty of duty by the supervisory authorities surrounding OK Financial Group,” and “They must clearly reveal whether the Yoon Seok-yeol administration’s sloppy attempt to reorganize the banking industry is behind all these suspicions.”

They strongly urged, “The Financial Services Commission, Financial Supervisory Service, and Fair Trade Commission must step forward and clearly reveal the incomprehensible growth of Japanese money lending capital that has been violating labor rights by avoiding collective bargaining agreements for three years, and the suspicions surrounding the indiscriminate expansion of business areas from money lending to savings banks and from savings banks to commercial banks.” hpf21@naver.com


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