올 2월 대졸 졸업자 60.2%, 아직 구직 활동중..자발적 취준생 상당수


브레이크뉴스 문홍철 기자= 올해 2월 대학 졸업자들 중 상당수가 아직 취업에 성공하지 못한 것으로 조사됐다.

4일 잡코리아에 따르면 2024년 2월 대학 졸업자 674명을 대상으로 ‘상반기 취업 성공 현황’을 조사한 결과, 설문 참가자들 중 ‘현재 취업에 성공했거나 곧 입사 확정된 곳이 있다’고 답한 이들은 39.8%에 그쳤다. 나머지 60.2%는 ‘아직 구직활동 중’이라고 답했다.

아직 취업에 성공하지 못한 이들에게 하반기 취업 계획이 무엇인지 질문한 결과, 취업 눈높이를 낮추기 보다는 원하는 기업에 합격할 때까지 구직활동을 계속하려는 이들이 더 많은 것으로 나타났다.

‘눈높이를 낮춰 당장 어디든 합격하면 입사하겠다’고 밝힌 이들은 17.7%에 그쳤고, ‘올 해까지는 원하는 곳에 합격할 때까지 계속 구직활동을 하겠다’고 답한 이들이 41.1%였다. 또한, ‘올해가 지나더라도 원하는 곳에 합격할 때까지 취업활동을 계속 할 것이다’고 답한 이들도 41.1%를 차지했다.

미취업자중 약 40%는 자발적 취업준비생인 것으로 드러났다. 아직 구직활동 중인 취업준비생들 중에 37.7%가 최종 합격한 회사가 있음에도 입사를 포기한 경험이 있다고 답한 것. 취업에 성공한 이들 중에서도 57.5%가 최종 합격한 회사에 입사하지 않은 경험이 있다고 답했다.

이들이 입사를 포기한 이유는 ‘처우 불만족’이 가장 큰 원인인 것으로 조사됐다. 입사를 포기한 이들 2명 중 1명이 ‘합격한 기업의 연봉 수준 등 처우가 마음에 들지 않아서’(51.5%)를 꼽았다.

이어 △취업을 목표로 하는 다른 기업에 지원하기 위해(20.8%) △면접 과정 등 해당 기업에 실망한 부분이 있어서(12.7%) △기업 평판, 리뷰 등이 좋지 않아서(7.5%) △합격한 기업의 발전 가능성이 좋아 보이지 않아서(4.9%) 등을 이유로 합격한 회사에 입사를 포기했다고 답했다.

신입직 구직자들이 입사할 기업을 고를 때 절대 포기할 수 없는 조건은 ‘연봉’이 51.9%로 1순위였다.

다음으로 △출퇴근 거리 및 시간(40.7%) △정규직 여부 등 고용 형태(37.8%) △기업 규모(23.7%) △기업 소재, 위치(11.9%) △근무 환경(9.3%) 등이었다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>

This February, 60.2% of college graduates are still looking for a job. A significant number of students are voluntarily seeking employment.

Break News Reporter Moon Hong-cheol= It was found that a significant number of college graduates in February of this year have not yet succeeded in finding employment.

According to Job Korea on the 4th, as a result of a survey on the 'employment success status in the first half of the year' among 674 college graduates in February 2024, 39.8% of the survey participants responded that 'they have currently succeeded in finding a job or are confirmed to be employed soon.' It stopped at . The remaining 60.2% responded that they were ‘still looking for a job.’

As a result of asking those who had not yet succeeded in finding a job about their employment plans for the second half of the year, it was found that more people were planning to continue their job search until they were accepted to the company they wanted rather than lowering their expectations for employment.

Only 17.7% of those who said, ‘I will lower my expectations and get a job right away if I pass the exam,’ while 41.1% of those who answered, ‘I will continue to look for a job until this year until I get accepted to the job I want.’ Additionally, 41.1% of those who responded that ‘even after this year, I will continue job hunting until I get accepted to the place I want’.

It was revealed that approximately 40% of the unemployed were voluntary job seekers. Among job seekers who are still looking for work, 37.7% responded that they have given up on applying for a job even though there was a company they were finally accepted to. Among those who succeeded in getting a job, 57.5% answered that they had the experience of not being hired at the company they were finally accepted to.

It was found that ‘dissatisfaction with treatment’ was the biggest reason why they gave up joining the company. One out of two people who gave up on joining the company cited ‘because they were dissatisfied with the company’s treatment, including salary level,’ (51.5%).

Next, △to apply to another company for which they are seeking employment (20.8%) △because they were disappointed with the company in question, such as the interview process (12.7%) △because the company's reputation and reviews were not good (7.5%) △to apply for employment at the company they were accepted to They answered that they gave up joining the company they were accepted for for reasons such as because the potential for advancement did not seem good (4.9%).

The condition that new job seekers could never give up when choosing a company to join was ‘salary’, ranked first at 51.9%.

Next were △commuting distance and time (40.7%) △type of employment, such as full-time employment (37.8%) △company size (23.7%) △company location and location (11.9%) △working environment (9.3%).


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